4Patriots 4Texas

Watch What Happened - Actual Footage From Texas

Thanks to 4Patriots products and the kindness of loyal customers like you, Texans survived the worst Mother Nature had to throw at them.

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4Patriots 4Texas

Here at 4Patriots, we champion freedom & self-reliance. And no other state embodies this core value more than... Texas.

Texans have been standing up for freedom since 1836… during the battle of the Alamo & the fight for Texas Independence.

So Texas is near and dear to our hearts.

"It's kind of the Texas thing...

My dad raised me to be self-reliant."

Proud to Count 168,000+ Texans as Customers

Texas sure knows how to prepare!

Hundreds of thousands of Texans trust 4Patriots for critical emergency-preparedness supplies. Some returning 2… 3… and even more times… stockpiling critical supplies for themselves, and their families.

So when Winter Storm Uri hit in 2021 — knocking power out to 4.5 million Texans for days or weeks...

Those smart folks were ready with 4Patriots products. Survival food, solar-powered generators, water purification systems, and much more.

They hunkered down inside their homes. Secure in the fact that — Lord willing — they’d done enough to stay SAFE and self-reliant in the face of the costliest disaster in Texas history.

All because they had…

Best of all? They had...

Peace of Mind Knowing They Could Protect Their Families

When Randy S. and his family were hit with a freak winter storm down south… they spent 6 days hunkered down inside. But even being indoors didn’t bring them relief. Because the temperature inside their house dropped down to 15 degrees. It got so cold that the water in their toilet froze over. One night after going to bed… the cold finally got to the home’s electricity… Randy woke up trying to catch his breath… his CPAP machine turned off. The whole house was out of power.

But luckily for Randy, and his family, he started prepping years before the storm hit. And the 4Patriots Power Generator he had… saved the day. He was able to power electric blankets during the day to keep everyone warm. And at night he was able to power his CPAP to get some needed sleep. Their generator literally saved them from freezing temps.

Take a look for yourself…

And then there’s Thomas B. from Houston...

When his power went out... Thomas thought it’ll come back on like always. At least that’s what he thought. But the power didn’t come back on. In fact, it was out for 72 hours! Thomas was worried as night fell. He needs a CPAP to sleep at night. Without it… he was scared for this life. “If I had to go without my CPAP... it could kill me. I could asphyxiate in the middle of night,” he said.

But Thomas had an ace up his sleeve. He grabbed his 4Patriots Power Sidekick to keep his CPAP running. And it never let him down… he used the SOLAR panel to keep it charged — using the extra juice to power up his other devices, like his phone, so he could stay connected to friends and family!

See how Thomas’s 4Patriot Power Sidekick kept him alive…

Terence G. from Houston is no stranger to being prepared...

He knows how important it is to be self-reliant. He even said, “FEMA’s not gonna be there for 3 days.” So he stockpiled enough food in case something happened. Well something did happen. Winter storms hit Terence’s house and knocked out power for 24 hours. Luckily, his water didn’t shut off too. He was able to mix the food from his 4-Week Survival Food Kit in a pot in order to feed his family. He loved that food was nutritious and “stick-to-your-ribs” good — giving them the energy they needed to get through the storm.

Terence loved the peace of mind he got from his 4-Week Food Kit…

So he sent us this...

Sam K. is from outside San Antonio and like others victims of the Texas storms, he lost power…

But he also lost water. But Sam didn’t flinch. Why? Because Sam was prepped with his favorite 4Patriots Survival Gear — he had everything he needed… food, water & power. “I wasn't surviving… I was thriving,” he said.

And because he’s a true Texan... he took the extra gear he had and used it to help others. He gave HaloXT Tactical Flashlights to neighbors in need. One couple used their HaloXT Flashlight to check on their sleeping baby throughout the night. It brought them peace of mind during a brutal storm.

And Sam couldn’t have been more proud to share his story…

As you can see… because of the Texan mindset… these folks were able to prepare for and survive the storms and the fallout that came with it.

But what about the other folks that needed help too? The ones that didn’t stock up on 4Patriots supplies?

They were cold and alone. Huddled together without food, power, or water... and wondering when the government would step in to save them.

We had to do something.

So 4Patriots immediately sent any form of aid we could… including $10,000 to food banks and other humanitarian organizations in major cities in Texas.

Texas Relief Warriors helped cook over 5,000 meals of BBQ... in 1 day! They made it their mission to make sure no one was forgotten.

4Patriots also donated a variety of survival products to the Texas-based non-profit, Bigun’s Hope. They helped folks get their hands on life-saving gear like Patriot Power Cells, Sun Kettle Personal Water Heaters and Survival Food… which helped soup kitchens that were in need — since local grocery store shelves were stripped bare.

They even used their Patriot Power Generators to keep power tools charged to repair homes that were damaged from the storms.

Because of their efforts… a lot of Texans got the help they needed to prepare & survive the storms.

As Jason, the founder of Bigun’s Hope, said… “Texas pulled together and saved their own.”

Fellow Texan, Chris, wasn’t directly impacted by the storm... but he felt the impact of the donations..

But the best part was...

Without asking for it… we got a ton of calls & messages from folks about how much their 4Patriots products helped them get through the worst of the storm’s wrath…

Guess what they say is true... the only thing bigger than Texas… is a Texan’s heart.

“When Texas Needed Help… 4Patriots Was There”

"At my home in Austin I was fortunate to escape the great deep freeze of 2021 with just a busted pipe outside that caused no damage to my home. But lots of my family and friends were not so lucky. They needed the help of several of the agencies that 4Patriots provided with financial assistance. Thank you 4Patriots for your generosity. I will continue to be a fan and a customer."

Chris L.

Austin, TX

March 2021

We didn’t ask for OR expect the thanks...

So all we can say in return is… we consider it a privilege to serve you…

These are just some of the great stories we received from the amazing folks from Texas.

But remember... it’s YOUR purchases that make donations possible for these types of humanitarian efforts. As well as to those organizations that support U.S. military active-duty service men and women, veterans and their families.

So when you stock up survival gear to help your family… you’re helping other families too.

We didn’t ask for OR expect the thanks...

So all we can say in return is… we consider it a privilege to serve you…

These are just some of the great stories we received from the amazing folks from Texas.

But remember... it’s YOUR purchases that make donations possible for these types of humanitarian efforts. As well as to those organizations that support U.S. military active-duty service men and women, veterans and their families.

So when you stock up survival gear to help your family… you’re helping other families too.

Most Loved Products Of Texans...

Patriot Power Generator 1800

  • Fume-free, silent & safe
  • Powers your critical appliances in a dangerous blackout
  • Portable: Lightweight & compact
  • FREE 100W solar panel included
  • FREE gifts — including survival food!
  • Ships from Utah, USA
  • FREE S&H to USA 48

Shop Now

Patriot Power Cell® - 4 Pack

  • Power your phones & other USB devices
  • Built-in solar panel & flashlight
  • Each powers 2 devices at once
  • Powerful 8,000 mAh capacity
  • Ships from Utah, USA
  • FREE gifts
  • FREE S&H to USA 48

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HaloXT Tactical Solar Flashlight - 4 Pack

  • Battery recharges by 50 mAh silicon solar panels
  • Includes alternate USB recharge option
  • IP65 waterproof
  • 9-in-1 Lifesaving Functions
  • Ships from Utah, USA
  • FREE Shipping for Orders of $97+ (USA 48)

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4-Week Survival Food Kit

  • Designed to Last 25 Years
  • “Disaster-Resistant” Packaging
  • Tastes Great & Easy to Prepare
  • Made in USA, No Added MSG
  • Ships from Utah, USA
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
  • FREE gifts included
  • FREE S&H to USA 48
Shop Now


* Your survival food is designed to last 25 years on the shelf. Storage conditions impact the shelf life of your food. For best results, always protect your food from heat, light, air and moisture. Avoid prolonged exposure to temps above 75 degrees F. Keep food sealed until ready to eat. Shelf life will vary based on storage conditions.

* All testimonials in this advertisement are from real people; sometimes name and picture has been changed to protect their privacy and some were given free products in exchange for their honest feedback. Testimonials represent exceptional results, don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to guarantee that any one will achieve the same results. The organizations and publications referenced on this site are not affiliated with and have not endorsed, sponsored or recommended this product. Cade Courtley is a former Navy SEAL and Platoon Commander who served 9 years of active duty and has been compensated by 4Patriots for his hard work in helping us test and endorse this product.