Preparedness & Survival Blog

food , gear , power , survival

Do 2020 Hurricane Forecasts Mean More – and Longer – Power Outages?

The COVID-19 pandemic has dominated the news the past few months. I don’t see that changing anytime soon. But we shouldn’t let our laser-focus on the coronavirus make us lose sight of something else. I’m referring to severe weather causing...

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food , survival

7 Ways to Handle a Personal Financial Crisis

COVID-19 has hit Americans hard. As of this writing, more than 3 million of us have tested positive. And over 130,000 have died. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that actual coronavirus cases may be 10 times higher...

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food , gear , power , survival

COVID-19 Fans Flames of Disaster in Worsening Wildfire Season

Fighting wildfires is one of the most grueling activities on earth. Firefighters wear and carry heavy equipment. Usually in intense heat, both from the weather and the fires. Scorching winds are often another enemy. They push fires first one way...

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food , gear , power , survival

Cade's Corner - Let's Go Camping!

Summer is here, which means people all over the United States are heading outside. Even more so with COVID-19 keeping us indoors for so long. Camping, hiking, fishing... you name it – it's a great way to spend your time...

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gear , power , survival

Staying In Touch During A Disaster

How often are you and all your loved ones gathered in the same place at the same time? For most of us, it’s probably not even as often as once a year. But even if it is an annual event...

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gear , survival

What Would America Look Like Without Police?

It’s hard to imagine what life was like in America before the establishment of police forces. During the 17th and 18th centuries, community volunteers handled these duties. This “watch system” was mainly a night watch. It was established in Boston...

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food , gear , survival

Lessons Learned From COVID-19?

I would love nothing more than to report to you that America has flattened the curve on COVID-19. That the worst is over. That things are getting better. And that we're fully prepared as a nation to deal with any...

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Fifty-Six Years Later, Government-Produced Survival Crackers Still Taste… Awful

Watch The 4Patriots Team Taste Test 56-Year Old Survival Rations Here: Many of our readers recall the Fifties and Sixties very well. It was a tumultuous time in our country’s history. The Vietnam War, college campus protests, racial tensions and...

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food , gear , survival

Choosing the Best Survival Food for You

If we all had unlimited financial resources, stockpiling a wide variety of survival food would be a breeze. Everyone knows they need survival food. And if 2020 hasn’t proven that fact, I don’t know what will. But the question often...

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