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January 30, 2024

Which Generator Is the Right One for Me?

By 4Patriots
Home PreparednessBlackoutsSolar GeneratorsSurvival Skills
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Which Generator Is the Right One for Me?

If you don’t yet own a generator, I’m hoping this will be your wake-up call. A generator could be your key to ultimate peace of mind... And it could save your life in a crisis, too. 

You won’t have to worry about your power going out during a storm. A squirrel on a powerline. Extreme heat taxing your electric grid… Or anything else that can cause a blackout. 

You can experience the same peace of mind other generator owners have. Why? Because you and your family will be protected.

As with most products in America, there are many choices when it comes to generators. Determining which features are most important to you will make your decision process much easier.

It will allow you to eliminate generators that are undesirable or unrealistic for your situation. And narrow down the possibilities to a manageable number.

Considering the options

Today I’m going to tell you what I believe are the most important features of a generator.

These comments are not based on my personal opinions. But rather on the extensive research we’ve done at 4Patriots. And, just as important, on what Americans such as you have told us.

You’ve probably already considered some of these features as you’ve thought about which generator you want to purchase.

But perhaps you haven’t considered all of them. After reading this communication, you may end up asking, “Why didn’t I do this before?”

Is it in my price range?

First, let’s look at affordability. After all, if something is out of my price range, I don’t want to waste time considering it.

You can spend a ton of money on a full home standby generator. Not to mention the cost of installation. Most of them work well, but you can’t take them anywhere.

For much less – in the $3,000 range – you can get a generator that will give you what you need to get through a lights-out situation.

And if you can get a payment plan for that generator, that might be even better for those of us on a tight budget.

What’s the best power source?

Next let’s examine how to provide power for your generator. Many generators use gasoline. One of several disadvantages here is that you have to keep the generator outside.

We’ve all heard horror stories about people who failed to do that. Far too many folks have died from carbon monoxide because they ran a gas-powered generator in their home or garage. Or even too close to an open window.

To me, the best generators are solar-powered. Capturing the free power of the sun is the best way to power a generator. Especially if your power is temporarily out.

But prior to a blackout, even if the sun isn’t shining, you can fully charge a solar-powered generator using an ordinary outlet if you want to.

What will I need to power?

Before you make a decision about which generator you want to buy, take a home inventory. 

That’s where you’ll decide which are the most important things you’ll want to power up during an outage. And how much wattage each requires.

Among them will probably be lights, small appliances, cellphones, and laptops. Plus a fridge, microwave oven, space heater, electric blanket, and other items.

It’s not crucial to be able to power all these items at once. You don’t need the family room TV on when preparing food in the kitchen. But you do want to make sure your generator can power a variety of things. 

Can I take it with me?

OK, how about portability? I mentioned this a moment ago. Large home systems stay put. There’s no moving them.

Portable gas-powered generators can be taken with you. But many are heavy and there’s the fire hazard to consider. And you’ll have to carry gasoline wherever you go. 

The ideal solar-powered generator is light enough to grab and go at a moment’s notice.

If you have a solar-powered, portable generator weighing approximately 60 pounds or less, you can move it easily from room to room. And take it camping, boating, and tailgating. As well as packing it up if you have to quickly bug out.

What about noise and smell? 

Noise is another consideration when deciding which generator to purchase.

There are loud ones out there. In addition to being annoying to you and those around you, a loud generator will draw attention to you.

If you’re in a survival situation, that’s the last thing you want. A lengthy blackout will lead to civil unrest. And a loud or smelly generator will bring looters to your home or wherever you’ve bugged out.

The ideal portable, solar-powered generator is quiet. So quiet you can sleep near it. It won’t keep you awake or draw others toward you. And it’s safe because it’s fume-free.

Patriot Power Generator 2000X checks all the boxes

The Patriot Power Generator 2000X is designed to provide electricity for important devices and equipment during a power outage or disaster situation. From your phone to a space heater. From your fridge to a CPAP machine.

This generator has four outlets (double the number of outlets in our Patriot Power Generator 1800) and four charging ports. And can power almost any device that would typically plug in.

It also comes with a 25-foot long extension cord. That way you can easily place the solar panel outside while keeping the generator inside.

It weighs only about 60 pounds. So, it’s small enough to take anywhere and store discreetly. And you can daisy-chain additional solar panels for even more power and faster charging. It operates quietly and produces no emissions.

Imagine how much peace of mind you'll have right away when you get your own generator.

Because if a crisis hits and your family asks, "When will the power come back on?" you'll calmly reassure them that they're safe and they will have plenty of electricity to power their critical items.

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  1. All testimonials in this advertisement are from real people; sometimes names and photos have been changed to protect their privacy and some were given free products in exchange for their honest feedback. Testimonials represent exceptional results, don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same results. The organizations, publications and people referenced on this site are not affiliated with 4Patriots. They have not endorsed, sponsored or recommended this product; no affiliation or endorsement is claimed. Terms & conditions apply. Cade Courtley is a former Navy SEAL and Platoon Commander who served 9 years of active duty and has been compensated by 4Patriots for his hard work in helping us test and endorse this product. Cade Courtley is a former Navy SEAL who served 9 years of active duty and has been compensated by 4Patriots for his hard work in helping us test and endorse products.
  2. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. CPSC Releases New Report on Carbon Monoxide (CO) Fatalities, Urges Generator Safety in New PSA. August 2022.
  3. Peak output for the Patriot Power Generator increased from 3,048 W (1800 model) to 4,000 W (2000X model). Continuous output is 1,800 W and 2,000 W, respectively. Storage capacity for DC devices increased from 768 Wh (1800 model) to 1536 Wh (2000 model).
  4. Refrigerators, freezers and similar appliances maintain a safe temperature by running on cycles. The CDC recommendation is to keep temperature below 40°F and above 32°F. If starting with a cold appliance, running backup power to your fridge for 1 hour will maintain temperature for about 4 hours. Usage conditions will impact this estimate (interior temp, exterior temp, appliance age & features, fridge contents, etc.). Click here for more tips on cycling your fridge or freezer.