Preparedness & Survival Blog

food , gear , preparedness , survival

Pros & Cons of 3 Survival Food Preservation Methods

There are few things in life more important than food. It is crucial for life, both in “normal” times and during a crisis. As we’ve all learned, it’s essential to have long-lasting, non-perishable food to carry us through rough times....

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food , gear , power , survival

More Simple Ways to Save Money

I can’t think of a time in my life when it wasn’t important to save money. But I can think of a time when it is more important than ever. And that’s right now.  We live in the most uncertain...

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Cade's Corner: My Preparedness Tips for Driving Emergencies

If you’re like me, you’ve been driving for a lot of years. But even though it might be familiar, you need to take it seriously. Every time.  Whether it’s a trip to the grocery store or a 2,000-mile road trip,...

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power , preparedness , survival

How to Prepare for Lengthy Power Outages

National Preparedness Month ended recently. But if you ask me, 2020 should have been designated as National Preparedness Year. None of us has ever seen anything like what this year has brought us. Even if you set aside COVID-19, which...

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preparedness , survival

October Is Fire Prevention Month… We Can All Help

They say nothing is certain except death and taxes. But maybe now we can add wildfires to the mix.  These deadly fires come around like clockwork in California and other Western states. And they keep getting worse every year. So...

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Disaster Response Requires Coordination… That’s Where DVSI Fits In

When disasters such as hurricanes and tornadoes strike, local first responders are almost always overwhelmed. That’s why federal government agencies such as FEMA are called in. But it usually takes time for their representatives to arrive. And soon they might...

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preparedness , survival

5 Reasons Why You Need Outdoor Security Lights

“Hello darkness, my old friend.”  I’m sure many of you recognize that lyric from a Simon and Garfunkel song titled The Sound of Silence. There is a certain segment of our population that loves darkness. They’re called criminals. The darker the...

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food , gear , power , survival

Should We Have Expected Anything Less From 2020?

2020 has been one for the ages. And not in a good way. A global pandemic, civil unrest, out-of-control wildfires… the list goes on. And don’t even get me started on extreme weather. On the other hand, maybe we should...

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gear , power , preparedness , survival

Weird Ways to Charge Your Cellphone Without Electricity

What do hurricanes, tornados, wildfires and blizzards have in common? What about physical and cyber attacks on the grid, windstorms, and animals getting stuck in power stations? I’m sure you know where I’m going with this. They all result in...

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