Preparedness & Survival Blog

food , survival

The Evolution of Food Rationing

One of the scariest things about COVID-19 hitting America’s shores last winter was what we saw at our grocery stores. Or more accurately, what we didn’t see. Food items and other supplies we always took for granted quickly became either...

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Military Dogs Deserve Recognition for Their Service

U.S. military dogs don't care about bounties. But they do care about doing the jobs they were trained to do. Recently, as some of you may be aware, a number of military dogs chased Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi down an underground...

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power , survival

How to save money on electricity and gifts this winter

Winter is just around the corner. And we all know what that means. Higher energy bills are right around the corner. Combine that with extra spending around the holidays and you have a recipe for a serious hit to your...

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Giving Thanks – and a Nice Meal – Brings Meaning to the Thanksgiving Holiday

You can teach children and grandchildren the importance of charity. You can instill in them concern for those less fortunate. You can tell them over and over again how lucky they are to have everything they need to eat. Especially...

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Stalker and Surveillance Detection

There are a number of reasons why a person has the potential to be stalked or under surveillance in everyday life. Everything from a spouse wanting to know if his or her husband or wife is having an affair to...

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power , survival

Solar vs. Gas Generators

Winter’s coming and you don’t want a storm knocking out power… and keeping you shivering in the dark until the power company gets its act together. Not to mention your food spoiling and your kitchen appliances not working. And your...

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food , gear , power , survival

Arctic Outbreak Comes Early for Huge Portion of U.S... Winter's Right Around the Corner

Is November the new January? Last year several areas of the U.S. experienced a much colder than average November. And the trend is continuing. Before we had even reached the mid-point of this November, much of the country was socked...

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food , survival

Why We Can't Count on FEMA to Save Us in an Emergency

  In 1979, the Federal Emergency Management Agency was established. The idea was that extreme weather and manmade disasters were too much for local governments to handle. So, a federally-funded agency would step in whenever and wherever a disaster struck....

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food , survival

Meet the Veterans of 4P

It's no exaggeration to say we owe our freedom to United States veterans. Just think how different our world would be today had not so many brave men and women fought for our country throughout the many decades. The liberty...

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