What's Lurking in Your Tap Water?

Many people who believe strongly in freedom, independence and self-reliance feel the government restricts too many liberties. They would prefer a more hands-off approach.

But one area where we see a lack of government control is the quality of water we use for drinking. Plus bathing, cooking and cleaning. In fact, sometimes water quality regulations in the U.S. fall far short of keeping us safe.      

Approximately 785 million people around the world lack clean drinking water. That's according to the World Health Organization. And at least 2 billion people rely on a drinking water source contaminated with feces.  

Many of the worst cases of water contamination exist in third-world countries. But America has its share of water problems. These issues have been going on for a long time. And they seem to be worsening as time passes. 

A recent study analyzed water systems in 100 major U.S. cities. More than 300 pollutants in the water supplied to over 250 million Americans were found. Contaminants include arsenic, lead and even perchlorate, a main ingredient in rocket fuel. 

Disagreements in Contaminant Limits 

To be fair, there have been laws in place for several decades. Including the

Clean Water Act of 1972, the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 and the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976.

But many people concerned about water quality believe those laws do not go far enough. They say the regulations don't protect us from harmful chemicals. Here's one example.

The EPA tells us .04 parts per billion of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is safe. The agency claims its legal limits reflect the levels that protect human health.  

But some researchers disagree. Including those at the Harvard School of Public Health and the University of Massachusetts-Lowell. They say the drinking water standard should be as low as 0.001 parts per billion. Those two numbers are not even close to each other. 

50% of Contaminants Are Unregulated

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) says there are no federal limits on 50% of contaminants in drinking water.

And establishing such regulations can take years. An example is chlorate. It's a disinfection byproduct that has been linked to serious health issues in high doses.

Regulating it was proposed in 2011, but nothing has happened since then. As Sydney Evans, science analyst for EWG says, "Legal does not necessarily equal safe."  

In addition, "there are no enforceable federal health standards for many chemicals known to pose risks." This leaves "the public susceptible to harm." Both from new and emerging tap water contaminants.

Is Bottled Water the Solution?

Let's talk about bottled water for a moment because there seems to be considerable confusion about it. Something we all need to remember is that just because water looks clear – as it does in bottled water – does not necessarily mean it's clean. 

When a city's water supply is compromised by extreme weather including flooding, groups bring in bottled water for residents. That's a very nice gesture and a helpful one. Bottled water isn't pure, but it likely is not as contaminated as what people in that affected area are currently getting from their faucets.

But Business Insider calls bottled water "one of the biggest scams of the century."

And counting on it to stay healthy on a regular basis just doesn't make sense. For several reasons.

One, studies show that much of that water is nothing more than tap water. Two, it's expensive. That's because a resource-heavy process is required for its production requiring crude oil and extra water. Those costs get passed along to the consumer. 

Three, most of those bottles don't get recycled properly, which is bad for the environment. Four, bottled water is more likely to be contaminated by microplastic particles than tap water. Bottled water is just not a good solution to the problem of contaminants.

Cleaning Up Your Tap Water

The lack of strict water quality regulations in the U.S. is concerning. Most cities, states and even the federal government can't afford infrastructure changes to alleviate the problem. 

We owe it to ourselves and our families to make sure the water we drink at home is as clean and safe as possible. My recommendation for ensuring just that is the Patriot Pure Pitcher from 4Patriots.

This pitcher removes up to 90% of fluoride, 97.5% of lead, 98% of mercury and more than 99% of chrominum-6.

It also reduces up to 99.99% of chlorine and arsenic. As well as VOCs, pesticides, detergents, and industrial and agricultural chemicals.

Patriot Pure Pitcher Excels

How is this possible? A team of aerospace scientists, medical researchers and purification specialists developed the filtration technology inside this pitcher.

The result is a proprietary, carbon-based, ionic-adsorption micron filter. It protects you from many water impurities.

The pitcher is easy, fast and safe to use. It has a 1-gallon reservoir capacity. One-half gallon of water can be filtered in less than eight minutes. 

And this is the perfect time to purchase the Patriot Pure Pitcher. When you buy two, we throw in a free 7-day supply of Patriot Power Greens, a free 16-oz. Shaker Bottle, free shipping and more.

Learn more about it here…

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