How Will You Stay Cool When the Power Goes Out?

​​If you had to experience a power outage of several days, which season of the year would you choose?

I think most of us would select fall or spring. That’s when temperatures are generally less extreme. Your home would probably not become unbearably cold or hot during an outage in those seasons. 

But what if the blackout had to occur in winter or summer? Which of those two would you choose? This would probably depend on where you live. In northern states, you’d rather have a summer outage. In southern states, you’d choose a winter outage. 

But no matter when or where an outage occurs, it’s inconvenient at best and dangerous at worst. According to the CDC, approximately 400 Americans die each year from summer heat. At the very least, food would likely spoil during a blackout.

Outage causes and responses

With warmer weather making its presence felt in the U.S. – and with plenty of hot weather on the way – today I want to discuss how we can keep ourselves cool during a power outage. 

Spring and summer lend themselves to power outages. Due to extreme weather that often occurs during those seasons. Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes invariably cause blackouts.

Even excessive heat can do it. In fact, it’s the number one weather-related killer. That’s according to the National Weather Service. Sometimes power comes back in a few hours. Other times outages last much longer.

In addition to finding ways to stay cool, you’ll want to report the outage to your electrical utility. And turn off electrical appliances.

Also, unplug major equipment. Including air conditioning units, computers and televisions. When power is restored, it can come back in surges. And that can damage electronics. 

Ways to chill in a blackout

Here are some specific ways to stay cool during a power outage from and other sources.

  • Dress in loose, lightweight clothing. This allows for airflow between your skin and the material. Organic fibers such as cotton and linen are the best choices. Lighter-colored clothing will reflect, rather than absorb, light and heat.
  • Stay on the coolest, lowest level of your home as much as possible. Close off the hotter rooms of your home. Place a towel at the bottom of the door to keep warm air from seeping through.
  • Use natural ventilation to cool homes and consider purchasing battery-powered fans.
  • Wait until evening to use a generator to power heat-generating appliances.
  • Avoid physical labor as much as possible. Any such activity should be reserved for the cooler portions of the day.
  • Drink plenty of water and avoid heavy meals. As well as caffeinated drinks and alcohol. If you’re perspiring, drink fluids containing electrolytes.
  • Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed. A freezer that is half-full or full can keep foods frozen for 24 to 48 hours. Food can stay safe in an unopened refrigerator up to four hours. If an outage lasts longer than four hours, remove and pack meat, milk and other dairy products in a cooler with ice.
  • Use safe alternative food preparations. A barbeque grill is an excellent way to prepare food. Always grill outside.
  •  Keep a first-aid kit in your home and in your car. Make sure it includes scissors, tweezers, safety pins, aspirin, eyewash, and rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Close all drapes and blinds on the sunny side of your residence.
  • If the temperature is cooler outdoors than in your home overnight, open some windows to let cooler air in. Hang a damp towel against that open window. Air will cool as it passes through the damp fabric, cooling the room somewhat.    
  • Take a cool shower at least once a day. And don’t be in a hurry to dry off. The water will cool your body temperature as it evaporates.
  • Take your family and pets to a basement or other cool location if you have one. Also consider going to an air-conditioned public place during the hotter daytime hours. Such as a movie theater or shopping mall.        

Finally, check on friends and relatives – especially children, seniors, and those with medical conditions or disabilities. Some of them may need to seek emergency cooling shelters. 

Breezy Cube Portable Air Cooler  

Your first choice for staying cool in warmer months is probably your air conditioner. But during an outage, you won’t be able to use it. You need an alternative.

And that’s exactly what the Breezy Cube Portable Air Cooler from 4Patriots provides. This new wireless device features a powerful fan and cooling mister that will keep you comfortable during a blackout. 

Weighing less than two pounds, it’s very portable. You can easily move it with you from room to room.

The 4,000 mA battery is easy to recharge. And it couldn’t be simpler to use. There are only two buttons.

Here’s how to get yours…


  • Elizabeth V Devor - April 13, 2022

    I am a 100% disabled veteran. I have not been able to work in 4 years. I also lost my husband to diabetes 2 years ago. So needless to say I am on my own. I have bought many things from your company and have even told people about you. I live in South Florida and could really use a couple of these air conditioners. My rent is going up by $600.00 and I don’t think I will be able to live where I am now. I f your company ever donates these items I would really appreciate your help. Good luck and thank you for listening. Mrs Devor

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