"The Truth About the Coming Food Crisis"
According to official reports, dangerous global events have reached America’s supply chain, putting your pantry in harm's way.
You need to listen to this food warning.
According to official reports, dangerous global events have reached America’s supply chain, putting your pantry in harm's way.
And it looks like food shortages will be happening more and more.
Social unrest in supplier countries, record-breaking weather events and high demand for goods are putting the “squeeze” on grocery stores.
But despite the empty shelves, the mainstream media & government remains silent.
Even when industry experts like fourth-generation American farmers say:
1,439,000+ Smart Americans Know…
If you don’t have a backup food plan, you’re at a disadvantage in an almost any major happening. Find out why...

"Food shortages are coming."
That’s why having a stockpile of survival food is more important than ever.
If you don't take action or if you stockpile the wrong foods, you could be setting your family up to go hungry in a time of crisis.
It sounds harsh, but the truth is… too many people with good intentions are making critical mistakes with their survival food.
Mistakes like…
- Getting MREs with a 5-year shelf life - depending on where you purchase them from they could be near expired...
- Getting gross survival foods that are tough to stomach and high in salt, MSG and preservatives...
- Or simply getting the wrong foods and leaving a critical hole in your meal plan, which means you won’t have energy … when you need it the most!

Storing food that isn't designed to last could leave you with an upset stomach. Or worse.
Well. No need to worry anymore.
Because you can start your very own stockpile with these best-selling Survival Food Kits.
When you secure your own food stockpile, you will have the peace of mind and security knowing that when a crisis hits…
You will be able to calmly reassure your family that they're safe and they will have plenty to eat.
You will be their hero.
Click here to secure your own stockpile of these best-selling survival food kits while you still can.
Because as you know, once that freak storm or blackout hits… the masses rush to the grocery stores… and strip the shelves bare.
It quickly becomes every man for himself.
Don’t put yourself and your family in that position.
Avoid it all together.
Stock up now on these survival food kits while you can.

1,439,000+ Smart Americans Know…
If you don’t have a backup food plan, you’re at a disadvantage in an almost any major happening. Find out why...
FOX & Friends is not affiliated with 4Patriots; no endorsement is claimed. Click here to see original video.
Real Reviews From 4Patriots Survival Food Owners
January 2021
You Can't Eat Silver or Gold
“This is about the best insurance policy anyone can get. Silver or gold?? Ya can't eat it.
Just think what would happen if the food distribution chain was disrupted. This product may mean the difference between starvation and surviving.
If you never have to use it, pass it along to your kids. If it comes down to the expiration date, eat it or give it away!
This product is a no-lose situation!"
Klamath Falls, Ore.
March 2021
One of the BEST Investments You Can Make
“You can't only think about today you have to plan ahead because you don't know what tomorrow could bring. With a 25-year shelf life, it's one of the best investments you can make for you and your family. You don't need to wait for an emergency to use it either. It's even good to have for camping and hiking.”
Biddeford, Maine
October 2022
A Total No-Brainer For My Family's Safety
"I did a lot of research and this was a no-brainer. I've never been a "super prepper," but to have this packed and ready — if nothing else, it's the peace of mind.”
Nashville, Tenn.
* Real reviews from real customers. Sometimes customers receive a free product to test or receive a free product as a thank you for submitting honest feedback. For more information, see footnote 1.

1,439,000+ Smart Americans Know…
If you don’t have a backup food plan, you’re at a disadvantage in an almost any major happening. Find out why...
FOX & Friends is not affiliated with 4Patriots; no endorsement is claimed. Click here to see original video.
- All testimonials in this advertisement are from real people; sometimes names and photos have been changed to protect their privacy and some were given free products in exchange for their honest feedback. Testimonials represent exceptional results, don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same results. The organizations, publications and people referenced on this site are not affiliated with 4Patriots. They have not endorsed, sponsored or recommended this product; no affiliation or endorsement is claimed. Terms & conditions apply. Cade Courtley is a former Navy SEAL and Platoon Commander who served 9 years of active duty and has been compensated by 4Patriots for his hard work in helping us test and endorse this product.
- FOX & Friends is not affiliated with 4Patriots; no endorsement is claimed. Click here to see original video.