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September 13, 2023

What Are the Most Popular Survival Foods?

By 4Patriots
Survival SkillsHome PreparednessDIY
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Have you ever seen lists of survival foods that go on and on? 

Some of them contain practically every food you've ever heard of. As long as they're dehydrated or freeze-dried, they should last a long time. But who has room to stockpile 100 different types of food for an emergency?

I was curious about what the most popular survival foods are. So I researched a few lists. Most of them were no surprise. But a couple caught my eye.

Today I want to let you know what I discovered. You may already have most of these in your stockpile. But it's good to know which are the most popular. Even if you don't care for some of them, they'll make great barter material if it comes to that.

10 Foods Nearly Everyone Loves

In no particular order, here are 10 popular survival foods. 

1. Grains

Wheat, spelt, rye, barley and corn can be soaked, cooked and eaten without grinding into flour. Some can be sprouted to increase nutrition. With a grain mill, you can use them to make bread and tortillas.

2. Beans

High in nutrients, they provide plenty of protein. This is especially important if you're not eating as much meat as you normally do. Beans and legumes also contain complex carbohydrates and fiber.

3. Rice

Inexpensive and lasting forever (well, for a long time, anyway), rice is one of the world's chief staples. It might not contain a ton of nutrition, but it's very popular and goes great with just about every meal. 

4. Freeze-dried & dehydrated vegetables

There is a huge variety of vegetables you can acquire that have been freeze-dried or dehydrated. They last a very long time and the taste will be just about as good as fresh.

5. Pasta

This has a great shelf life and is found in a wide variety. From spaghetti noodles and fettuccine, to mac & cheese and ribbon pasta for lasagna, to bow tie and stuffed pasta shells, the possibilities are endless.

6. Peanut butter

It's tough to beat something that tastes great on its own and tastes even better when it's spread on something like healthy crackers or bread. That's what you get with peanut butter, which is also high in protein. 

7. Honey

This is one you should definitely include in your stockpile. Why not? It lasts a very long time and can be used in a wide variety of ways. It's a great, healthy way to sweeten foods. And much better for you than sugar.

8. Canned soup

Yes, I know that many canned products contain too much sodium. And I'm not encouraging having a ton of canned foods. But sometimes you need something you can eat in a hurry, and canned soup fits the bill.

9. Canned tuna

As long as we're on the subject of canned food, tuna is one that has plenty of protein and has a very good shelf life for something in the meat category. Not to mention that it's very tasty.

10. Coffee

I had to add this one. In addition to helping you stay awake in a survival situation, coffee will be a great bartering tool during a crisis. It also can benefit you psychologically, especially if you're used to drinking it every day. 

Lumberjack Survival Food Kit

Speaking of popular survival foods, let me tell you about one of our customer favorites. It's the Lumberjack Survival Food Kit from 4Patriots. 

Every kit is loaded with our best-selling and most requested entrees. And it's specially designed for folks who have a lumberjack-sized appetite.

It features some of our most delicious foods. Including Cowboy Rice & Beans and Nonna's Best Lasagna-Style Marinara. Plus Hearty Stroganoff and America's Finest Mac & Cheese. Just to name a few.   

Knowing you have 80 servings of great food designed to last 25 years will give you peace of mind. It all comes in disaster-resistant packaging. 

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