Missing an Emergency Supply Item? Check Your Camping Gear

You’ve heard us at 4Patriots tell you many times how important it is to have emergency supplies ready to grab at a moment’s notice. That message hasn’t changed.
If anything, we’ve been preaching it louder and more often lately. Thanks to all the problems the world is facing. Including extreme weather, wars, supply chain problems, and more.
I hope you’ve heard the call to prepare and have responded. Hopefully you have supplies ready for both hunkering down and bugging out.
But what if an emergency occurs and you realize you’re missing a few essential items? Maybe you grabbed some things from your emergency supplies a while back and forgot to replace the

Meeting your emergency needs
Instead of panicking, check your camping gear. You just might have some of those items among your camping supplies.
Below is a list of items you may already have in your home that you can use for a hunker-down emergency. Keeping in mind that you will probably be temporarily without electricity.
Don’t forget to replace those camping gear items next time you get a chance. And if you don’t have some of the things listed below, you might want to add them to your camping gear and/or your emergency supplies BEFORE an emergency occurs.
14 Items for consideration
1. Solar-powered fridge for keeping food and medicines cold during an outage.
2. Solar cooker for heating water and cooking food.
3. NOAA emergency radio. Other radios and TVs probably won’t be working.
4. Flashlights and extra batteries. Solar-powered tactical flashlights are a better choice.
5. Solar-powered lantern. Let there be more light.
6. Fully-charged power banks for your phone and other electronic devices. Could be a life-saver.
7. Non-perishable food, including granola bars and healthy snacks.
8. Personal water purifier. Outages can negatively affect tap water.
9. Extra clean clothes. An outage will make your washing machine inoperable.
10. Fully-stocked first-aid kit. You can’t be too careful.
11. Toiletries and toilet paper. Enough said.
12. Duct tape. Always.
13. Multi-tool. Could come in handy when you can’t locate other tools in the dark.
14. Aluminum foil. Double wrap meat and other food to make it last longer.
In a perfect world, you’d already have the above items among your emergency supplies. But none of us are perfect.
An emergency could result in empty shelves at stores. Or impassable roads.
So don’t forget to check your camping gear if that ever happens. You just might find what you’re looking for.