Meet the Founders

Watch our founders, Allen & Erin Baler, tell their story below:


  • Michael McKinney - July 21, 2024

    Thank you, Allen & Erin Baler – for taking the time to acknowledge the smaller pieces such as myself and my family which are, one of the growing families within the ‘4Patriots’ community. Noce to hear your story of this startup community. Yes, indeed the time was correct to bring this out to the public; with all the changes in the climate, certain areas within certain states do seem to be challenging as the weather continues to serve up what is new and exciting, giving the potential of Inner growth and personal group developments. You seem to have met the challenge head-on… Good Show to you both!
  • Jan - November 30, 2023

    Anytime, during ANYTIME of the year our electricity can and usually does go out; rain, sleet and or a freezing snow storn . I insist on being prepared. So I purchased a the solor 1800 generator. Tomorrow is December 1st. Winter is here ! As a senior of mature years, I refused to be called old. I’m young at heart ! So, you younger generation, BE PREPARED ! YOU NEVER KNOW !
    My late husband and I raised our children to ALWAYS THINK AHEAD.
    SO AMERICA & the rest of the world … THINK AHEAD.
    Because when it’s all said and done, it’s too late to cry and wish for yesterday. TODAY IS HERE !

  • Robert Clayton Hebbard - October 22, 2023

    It was another reason that shut down the power at our house a few years ago. I live on the east coast beach area that suffers from the storms, the hurricanes and winter weather are our area’s problems. Our beach island was far enough away from I-95 to keep the masses from visiting and owning the sand based properties. But in the past few years the area has been crowded by people who are moving to our area to escape the storms in Florida and the north eastern part of the US. Hurricanes hit harder south of here, and snow storms hit north of here, so since everyone has started to realize it, they are crowding up Eastern NC like NYC.
    Our power was knocked out by falling trees and we lost power for more than a month!! The power company did the cleanup and repairs in the best ways to avoid damage from another storm in the future. It helped, but they didn’t know that the variety of storms could cause flooding and damage the first floor of houses an whole cities and towns. Your business is going to be an exceptional way to survive the storms that are now becoming worse than ever before!
    The population is growing rapidly and the cost of beach houses has gone 3to5 times higher than ever before also, but the food stores have been bought out or unable to provide enough supplies to these crowds!
    Tons of folks who want to live here are finding it difficult and have had kinfolk visiting the shoreline to help!
    So your products will be a better solution than shopping around and buying whatever is available!!!
    KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!! And thank y’all for helping to avoid some of the worst problems!!!!
    No food, no water, no power, and darkness can be annoying and deadly!

  • Stephen Wells - September 18, 2023

    Dear 4Patriots,

    I’m Steve from Texas. I survived the deep freeze a few years ago, power and water was out all across the state. Recently on a local radio station I heard that the Texas grid has not been adequately upgraded to withstand another winter like the last one with that massive ice storm I quickly purchased a solar generator. This summer we were literally hours away from rolling blackouts if we did not reduce our usage. However, next year will probably have rolling blackouts due in part to more and more people moving to Texas and requiring more energy! I was thinking about you making a commercial using this info to get more people prepared! I don’t want to hear about more deaths next year if it occurs again!
    Sincerely Steve Wells
    Love you guys!

  • Peggy Weathers - July 06, 2023

    Last year on the coldest days of winter, my electricity went off 3 times , for hours, NO lights , NO heat , nothing NO SECURITY CAMERAS. I never want to go through that again. I researched and my decision was to go with 4Patriots . I am single with your solar generator I will feel safer , as a senior citizen. There is more I am interested in adding.

    Peggy Weathers

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