How to Use a Multi-Use Flashlight in a Travel Emergency

Here at 4Patriots, we understand that life doesn't stop. And although we all must do our part to social distance and limit travel during this pandemic... sometimes, you NEED to hit the road.

That's why we created the HaloXT Multi-Use Flashlight to give you true peace of mind no matter where you go. And instead of telling you about the incredible life-saving features of this solar-powered gadget, we decided to SHOW you.

Check out the demo Ryan from our video team put together:

Click the play button above to watch the video. 

There he shows how this device can truly save your life in a pinch. Anywhere you need light, backup power (it charges your phone!), or even a seatbelt cutter... the HaloXT has your back!

 >> Secure YOUR own HaloXT Multi-Use Flashlight here


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