Have you watched THIS video?

I’ll tell you what… I’m floored.

The incredible video messages I’ve got recently from folks across the country – everywhere from Texas, to California, to Pennsylvania – have been truly inspirational.

To be completely honest, it warmed my heart.

These special VIPs wanted to let me know exactly how their 4Patriots Survival Food, Survival Tools and more kept them going during devastating storms, power outages, & beyond.

My team put together a compilation of some of ‘em, and you can watch it here:


These are the kinds of reminders that keep all of us at 4Patriots going – knowing that the work we’re doing is making a real difference in the lives of patriotic Americans like YOU!

From Randy who used his Patriot Power Generator during the record-breaking Texas ice storm… to Marlene who had a light and power lifeline with her HaloXT Tactical Flashlights… to Linda who was so glad she had her Patriot Power Cells on hand to “save the day”…

Not only did they share their experience on how 4Patriots products helped them prepare, but they also let me know how they were able to share this peace of mind with others. Check out how Sam was not only able to take care of his family but close neighbors as well during crisis:


So many folks depend on 4Patriots to help them feel safe, secure, and better prepared. No matter what kind of curve balls life has in store. And we’ll always be there for you through it all.


  • Tom Winslow - November 22, 2021

    I am a Senior Pastor here in Redding Ca with the, “Family Celebration Center church.” We are associated with a food give away program here in Redding . I recently purchase 8 of your Patriot Power Cells and will be giving them away to individuals that are in need here in our group. I am considering future purchases of different items going forward including your food packages. Thank you and may God truly bless you in these times for your effort to supply the items of need.

  • Dale Day - October 27, 2021

    My I am here to say you can know what going. Read the prophecies in bible. Specifically relevant is the book of Revelations. 18

  • elizabeth apprill - July 04, 2021

    This country and administration is presently in such an upheaval that the American Citizen truly has no idea what is happening or what is going to happen. I am personally unsure after life here in America for 73 years what is going to happen next, both here and abroad. This is the reason I finally felt a sense of urgency to rely on myself instead of “pie in the sky” thoughts that America will always be OK. Every person and family should start preparing to take care of yourselves in times of trouble. Old adage, BE PREPARED!

  • George Hubbell - April 15, 2021

    Enjoying the products from 4Patriots! Thank you that you have kept the costs down. I’ve not yet tried the food, but its comforting to know that I have extras on hand for when SHTF! Its coming, folks… like that proverbial runaway train, its coming!
    My advice? Turn to the Eternal now… while there is time.

    George (OlDad)

  • Bob Ruff - April 08, 2021

    The issue of”vaccination passports “ is triggering to many and hot buttons to others. In searching for what should be done, you have been a solid beaker of light. Please remain grounded as we struggle to find the truth as to what should be done… and not just about vps. Thank you,

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