Common Misconceptions About Survival Food

Have you ever heard anyone say or write something negative about freeze-dried survival food? 

I have. Some say it’s too expensive. Others say the freeze-drying process depletes food’s nutritional value. Or that it doesn’t taste very good.  

Now, I know none of that is true. I wouldn’t be in the preparedness business if I thought any of those statements were accurate.

I also wonder what that person’s food preparedness alternative is. I hope they’re not counting on a can of soup tasting good in 20 years? I’m not even sure how it would taste in three years.

Why is this important? Well, if people believe inaccurate myths about freeze-dried food, they probably won’t stockpile it. And if they don’t store freeze-dried survival food, what are they going to do when they really need it? 

It’s all about water removal 

I want to dispel those myths today so you will have confidence that freeze-dried survival food is the way to go. First, a little history.

The ancient Peruvian Incas of the Andes were the first to utilize the freeze-dried process. At least as far as we know.

They stored potatoes and other crops on mountain peaks. The temperatures would freeze the food. Low air pressure in high altitudes would slowly vaporize water inside the food.

These days, food is quickly frozen to start the freeze-drying process. Then the ice is turned into water vapor and removed by placing the frozen food in a vacuum. This results in a dehydrated product. 

Now, about those myths…

Myth #1: Canned food is all you need.

Having some canned foods in your pantry is not a bad idea. It can’t hurt. But shelf lives probably fall well short of what you and your family may end up needing someday. 

Freeze-dried foods last much longer. And they will taste as fresh in many years as they would today.

Freeze-dried food can stay good for up to 25 years. Assuming it is properly stored. 

And that means keeping it in a cool, dark, dry place. Where air, light, moisture and rodents can’t get at it. 

Myth #2: Freeze-dried food tastes bad and loses nutritional value.

Unlike canned food that can lose its taste and nutritional value over time, freeze-dried food tastes as good and fresh as the day it is packaged.

Natural food has moisture in it. That’s what helps it taste good. But that moisture also makes it vulnerable to microorganisms that cause spoilage.

When food is frozen, microorganisms are unable to grow. Freeze-drying removes nearly all moisture. 

Once food is freeze-dried, it’s simply a matter of packaging it properly in airtight bags. Such as bags made of Mylar. And then storing it where it can’t be contaminated by the elements.

This process also helps freeze-dried food retain its nutritional value better than canned food. Without chemicals. 

Myth #3: Freeze-dried meats don’t break down well in our bodies.

Some people have concerns about how freeze-dried meat might affect their digestive systems.

But freeze-dried food is usually more easily digested than canned food. That’s due to the fact that it does not contain additives or preservatives.

Myth #4: Freeze-dried foods are expensive.

People sometimes worry about the cost of freeze-dried food. Prices may seem higher because freeze-dried food is often sold in bulk.

But when you purchase freeze-dried survival food in bulk, you end up saving money. 

Myth #5: Your options are limited with freeze-dried food.

When many people hear “freeze-dried,” they first think of fruits and vegetables. And those are certainly items you should stockpile.

But freeze-dried pasta, beans, rice, meat and more can also provide plenty of nutrition. Including much-needed protein, minerals and other nutrients.

This is crucial because if a crisis goes on for more than several days, you’re going to desire something other than fruits and vegetables.

For another, the stress you’ll experience during an emergency will raise your cortisol levels. That means potential muscle loss. Maintaining strength will be a must in a crisis.


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