[Video] Solid-wood collectible flags made by brave American Veterans

Have you ever wondered how an American flag is made?

You know - one of those sturdy, wooden collectibles that look aged to perfection?

Well now you don't have to... drumroll please... because in honor of Presidents' Day we filmed how it's done just for you.

Earlier this week we dropped in on some seriously skilled U.S. veterans to see one of these custom-built beauties made - from scratch.

And guess what? Our jaws dropped.

From American pine. To patriotic perfection. You simply can't beat this craftsmanship.

But you don't have to take my word for it, because we made a video. Click the image below to watch:

Here at 4Patriots, we love getting (and giving) a behind-the-scenes look. So it only made sense to let you in on all the fun. Plus, there's truly no better way to show exactly how beautiful this Heroes' Heritage Flag is - than to introduce you to the warriors who made 'em.

And if you haven't had a look yet, we're running an incredible Presidents' Day Special right now on these handcrafted veteran-made American flags.

Better get a move on, though. We were only able to secure 1257 for this exclusive event. And it all ends February 18 at Midnight PT. 

Grab your exclusive Presidents' Day package here


  • Diane - February 17, 2020

    Good to have food stored ahead.

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