Get Prepared or Get Left Behind: The Surging Survival Community

Survivalism and preparedness are nothing new. They’ve been part of mankind’s DNA for many centuries.

But recently those concepts have gone mainstream. And it doesn’t take a sociologist to understand why.

Our world has become a dangerous place to live. Natural and manmade disasters are increasing.

Today I want to discuss why our preparedness community is growing. And how smart you’ve been to get – or stay – on board with it. 

At the end, take a quick poll and see how your preparedness plans stack up to other 4Patriots VIPs.

Wars Lead to Stockpiling

Preparedness has always been a part of human history, from basic survival of the hunters and gatherers to more recent events of the 20th century.

During the world wars, conserving and stockpiling basic necessities became a regular way of life.  

As weapons progressed in numbers and their devastating potential during the Cold War. So, some folks started storing provisions in bomb shelters.

Wide Variety of Threats

Even after those wars, various events brought preparedness and survivalism back into focus. Such as the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 and the anticipated Y2K bug in 2000. Plus the 9/11 terrorism attacks and the Covid pandemic.

Now, can we finally relax? We wish. There is more that concerns us than ever before.

Madmen such as Russian President Vladimir Putin are launching unprovoked wars. And threatening nuclear attacks against countries trying to stop him.

Extreme weather events are more frequent these days. And they are more violent, with more catastrophic consequences.

EMPs, AI, Disease, & Attacks

Solar eruptions and threats of manmade atmospheric detonations make EMPs a possibility. Such an event could send us back into the dark ages.

Artificial intelligence designers warn us about unthinkable results. If we’re not careful with it.

Physical and cyber attacks against infrastructure take their toll. Including on our already vulnerable electric grids.

Viral disease outbreaks and terrorist attacks disrupt the supply chain. Food and other products become scarcer and more expensive. This election year is certain to bring more political upheaval than we’ve ever seen.

Interest Has Doubled since 2017

The number of people interested in preparedness has doubled since 2017. Survival and preparedness conventions attract greater numbers these days. Attendees run the gamut from urban to rural, men to women, younger to older.

Many folks are seeking real-time online sessions. That’s where they learn more about the subject and products that can help them. Such as the sessions offered by Seth Weller of 4Patriots. He’s been in the preparedness business for 20-plus years.

“Some attendees are mainly concerned with natural disasters. They see or hear about them in the news,” Seth said. “They visit or revisit preparedness when they’re reminded of the consequences.

“Others are concerned with potential events. Such as EMPs, social or economic collapse, or civil war. Both groups understand the same thing. Federal agencies will be unable to assist the average family.

“With our sessions, we help them put together a plan. And we introduce them to products that can help them put that plan in place. We receive consistent feedback from attendees. They say our courses remove the fear they feel about an uncertain future.”

Click here to register for an online training session.

FEMA Admits They Can’t Do the Job

The government has dropped the ball. Especially when it comes to providing help after natural and manmade disasters.

But at least now they acknowledge their lack of manpower and funds. FEMA recommends individual preparedness for this reason.

The government has established comprehensive websites to educate us about potential dangers. Including what to do before, during, and after they occur.

They tell us to have at least a three-day supply of emergency food and water. We know that crises often last much longer. Three days’ worth won’t cut it.

Covid Pandemic Was Tipping Point

What convinced the average Joe to start considering preparedness? Nothing accomplished this better than the pandemic.

People used to scoff at “preppers.” Then they saw empty store shelves for the first time. Some lost jobs as their employers went out of business or cut back on staff.

Many waited weeks or months for what used to be basic deliveries. Due to the breakdown of the supply chain.

And, of course, some got sick. They were unable to earn money they needed for basic survival items.